Marriott School On-Campus Internship Program is a great way to build your resume while in school! The OCI credit is not meant to replace your major credit or your capstone credit, but can provide good real-world experience with 3 credits of MSB course registration (this included Ballard Center Social Innovation Projects).
See this link for an overview of the OCI Program:
Email for a spreadsheet of all of the available projects to choose from for winter 2021.
Teams started being put together the first week of December, but students can still sign up until January 13th for any projects still available at the time they apply.
All team meetings, meetings with the company sponsor, and classes are over Zoom. This is a great class for the COVID-19 world.
There are no fees collected from companies/organizations for these projects. It is an experiential learning opportunity for the students to get professional-level experience. Students will find the course gives them real-world experience, builds a stronger résumé, allows them to enhance their education by applying the principles learned in class, and helps them land a job or full-time internship. The projects we provide are open to all undergraduates across campus and have resulted in high satisfaction from both the companies and students.
There are a few things important to understand:
- All students will benefit from an OCI regardless of the company as there is an opportunity to develop competencies required in all careers. These include:
- Dealing with Ambiguity
- Negotiation
- Communication
- Teamwork and Team Dynamics
- Business Research
- Project Management
- Executive Presentations and Reporting
- Resilience/Grit
- While the class only meets 6 times during the semester, it is a 3-credit, graded class; so students are required to meet as teams 2-3 times per week and contribute 7 ½ to 9 hours of work each week.
- Team assignments and access to online course work is sent out two weeks before classes begin. Students may not add the class after January 14th.
- In general, students assigned to Fortune 500 projects are required to have completed at least one previous OCI. So students that get started now not only gain experience and strengthen their résumé, they also set themselves up for a potential Fortune 500 project in future semesters.
If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way please let me know.
David Hollan
Director, Experiential Learning
Marriott School of Business
Brigham Young University
441 TNRB, Provo, UT 84602
Office: 801-422-8928