GRADUATES: Great Business Apprenticeship Opportunity Fall 2015 – April 3rd application DEADLINE!

ReD Associates
ReD is a strategy and innovation consulting firm based in the human sciences. They heavily recruit graduates with demonstrable strength in the social sciences. They are a prestigious international management consulting firm that meets client needs through ethnographic research.

There is openings for their apprenticeship program in New York & Copenhagen for Fall 2015. Applications are due April 3. (To our knowledge, we currently do not have any BYU alumni working with ReD and we want to make an amazing first impression.) Note: This position will also be posted in BYU Bridge (

ReD is seeking students who have an analytically sharp and empathic mind and a professional work ethic that inspires and motivates people around them. They value intellectual curiosity, great communication skills and fluency in both written and oral English.

In evaluating applications they specifically look for:

  • An outstanding academic record
  • Relevant experiences that highlight their skills as a problem solver, leader, thinker, innovator etc.
  • International experience and language skills
  • Previous experience with qualitative and/or quantitative research methods

Application for  Apprenticeship: ReD Associates Apprenticeship Posting Feb 2015

Below are some links you can view for more information about the company.

Financial Times Article (3/13/15)

Business Insider Article

The Moment of Clarity: Using The Human Sciences to Solve Your Toughest Business Problems

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